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Resident Doctors in Training

PLEASE NOTE: This study leave guidance applies to Resident Doctors in Training above Foundation level only.  If you are a Foundation doctor in training please refer to the Foundation specific guidance here. 

UHP are governed by the NHSE Study Leave Guidance and they will query all late claims as well as the type of course/event/conference the doctor in training is attending.  Please therefore ensure that you refer to the full NHS England Study Leave Policy, including the course list on the NHSE website. 


Below, you can find details of the local process for applying for study leave and important NHSE policy highlights. 

What can I apply for? 

Each postgraduate doctor in training will have an annual entitlement of 30 days’ study leave, which you must ensure covers any mandatory training requirements for your programme, including regional teaching dates. 

Please note that in order to claim expenses, we will need to deduct from your study leave time allowance. This means you will need to apply for study leave even if a course falls on your off day if you intend to claim back expenses. If it is necessary to take study leave on non-working days (e.g. weekend or rostered day off), then time in lieu days should be agreed with the Rota Manager/Educational Supervisor at the time of agreeing the study leave. Both ES and the trainee should ensure this does not make the trainee breach their contract requirements on hours worked or EWTD.

Eligible study leave falls into three categories, which are detailed in the NHSE list of approved courses and conferences as found on the NHSE website via the link above. 


  • (1) Specific to the requirements of the Curriculum (as per the NHSE course list) - FUNDED AT 100%

  • (2) Enhanced Knowledge (as per the NHSE course list) – FUNDED AT 100%

  • (3) Career Progression - FUNDED AT 50%

Please note that Category 2 and 3 courses will only be approved for funding if you are have achieved your core curriculum competencies for your stage of training. 

If a course/conference/event is not featured on the NHSE list for your programme and stage of training then you will need additional approval from your Training Programme Director. If approved, these will be capped as a category 3 course. 


NHSE provides a list of excluded expenses on their website. This list includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Exam Fees & Expenses

  • Audit Meetings

  • Clinical Governance meetings

  • Postgraduate diplomas/certificates (but funding may be available from other sources)

Booking Study Leave - Key Considerations

  • All study leave needs to be applied for prospectively (with a minimum of 6 weeks notice), expenses must then be claimed for within 10 weeks of the event date.  The SL application form is linked below and expenses claim forms will be sent out via email if your SL is approved.

  • All study leave time needs to be applied for, ​regardless of whether you wish to claim expenses or not. Postgraduate doctors in training are unable to be reimbursed for any courses attended if they are on annual leave days

  • You can only apply for study leave if your mandatory training on the ESR portal is up to date at the time of applying. 

  • You will need to complete a local UHP digital study leave application, with the appropriate electronic signatures included and submit

Forms and Further Guidance: 

Resident Doctors Study Leave Application Form  Please do not print and scan. This form must be submitted as a Word document


When study leave is approved you will receive an approval email from the PGME team which includes an expenses claim form and details on how you can claim back your related expenses.

All receipts need to be attached to your expenses claim form.

Once the expenses claim form is fully completed with signature and receipts, the form must be sent to the PGME Team, either as a hard copy to the PGMC Office or emailed as a PDF to for final authorisation. Please do not post and email your claim as this can cause duplication and delays processing. We cannot accept photographs of your expenses claim form or receipts - please submit them as scanned PDF files. 


Expenses are then reimbursed through payroll and these should be received no later than 10 weeks after the course/event date. 


A new expense claim form must be completed for each different event/date.

Payroll deadlines vary each month, but are generally towards the beginning of the month. We will do our best to submit in time for month end, however, if this is missed, you will receive payment in the following month. 


What can be claimed:

Please note the below guidance is around the most common claimable expenses - for more detailed information please see the expenses section on NHSe website. 

If you are unable to attend an event or part of an event because you have been required to work by your employer, NHSE will not reimburse the costs and this should be requested through your employer. 



  • Travel must be taken using the most cost-effective means possible and NHS England SW reserve the right to reimburse travel at the most cost-effective rate if submissions are excessive.

  • If you are driving, mileage from work base to educational event (not from home) can be claimed at £0.30/mile, and extra passengers (£0.05). This should be completed in full on the expense form.

  • All public transport must have receipts attached. 



  • Outside London – Overnight costs up to a maximum of £120 including breakfast

  • In London - Overnight costs up to a maximum of £150 including breakfast

  • Postgraduate Drs in Training can claim up to £20 per night if staying with friends or family


  • Meals allowance - Per 24-hour period: £20.00 broken down as follows:-

  • Lunch allowance (more than five hours away from base, including the lunchtime period between 12:00 pm to 2:00pm) UP TO £5.00

  • Evening meal allowance (more than ten hours away from base and return after 7:00 pm) UP TO £15.00

  • The expectation is that one receipt supports one meal - please do not submit multiple receipts to the Trust office.


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