Kate Talmage
Medical Education Manager
PGME Centre Manager
01752 430496
Kate joined the team in January 2019 from Peninsula Medical School, managing the postgraduate medical programmes. Kate has a background in Business Management and Finance. As MEM Kate manages the medical education for all Doctors in Training as well as working on Med Ed improvement projects. Kate is here to support all medical staff and her office door is always open whether you need information, help or just a chat.
Kate once swam with Sharon Davies & loves iSUP, outdoor swimming, paragliding & motorsport
Caitlin Taylor
PG Medical Educational Co-ordinator
01752 430493
Caitlin joined the team in December 2019 from a global law firm where she worked as an Assistant Paralegal. Caitlin's role is to support Physician Associates, Locally Employed Doctors, and International Medical Graduates. Caitlin graduated with an MSc from the University of Glasgow, specialising in Human Rights, and has gained previous experience in customer services and legal administration.
Caitlin grew up in Borneo and loves to travel
Parveen Wear
Speciality Course Co-ordinator
01752 433193
Parveen joined the team in January 2022, initially as NHSp. We were very pleased to appoint Parveen permanently in October 2022 as a member of our Education Team. Parveen's background is Children Safeguarding and has worked in a variety of roles within healthcare, gaining valuable experience.
Parveen brings the glamour to our team, she loves to create delicious treats for us and keeps our family together and happy.
Emily Drew
Foundation Programme Administrator
01752 430501
Emily joined the team in June 2021 as our Foundation Programme Administrator. She works with the Foundation Programme Co-ordinator to support all F1s and F2s during their training programme. Prior to joining us, she worked for Argyle Football Club where she gained valuable experience in administration and customer service.
Emily loves Stranger Things, Harry Potter, Friends, Big Bang and is always prepared and ready for the zombie apocalypse!
Filip Powala
PGMC Cleaning Services
Filip is our very valued PGMC cleaner, who always a smile on his face and happy to help. Filip starts the day earlier than any of us to ensure the seminar rooms and Centre facilities are lovely and clean before you arrive.