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Dates for your Diary


  • 6th March 2024                        Portfolio's close for P1 - nothing else can be uploaded to your portfolio for P1 

Provisional Dates - these dates may alter slightly so keep checking back here for updates

  • 30th May 2024                               Portfolio's close in preparation of ARCPs (everything must be uploaded to your portfolio by 23:59 31st May)

  • 3rd - 14th June 2024                     ARCPs will run - more details will be emailed out to trainees

  • 17th June 2024                              Trainees will be notified of ARCP outcome by 17th June at the latest (depending on date of ARCP)

                                                               (if you are awarded an outcome 5 (incomplete evidence) trainees must submit additional evidence required 10                                                                 working days after initial ARCP - you will be informed of the deadline date in writing (email))

  • 28th June 2024                                  Date for notification of final ARCP outcome (for outcome 5 ARPCs that were given additional 10 days)

  • 11th July 2024                                Appeals Deadline

These dates are confirmed

  • 30th July 2024                                Incoming F1s Induction week begins

  • 31st July - 6th August 2024           Incoming F1 shadowing & mandatory training week

  • 6th August 2024                             Outgoing F2s complete foundation training

  • 7th August 2024                             Incoming F2s commence in post - Newly inducted F1s commence in post

End of Placement 1

Your 1st placement ends on Tuesday 5th December 2023 - Have you:

  1. Ensured your PSG is set up so results can feed back to your CS in readiness for your end of placement meeting - A PSG is mandatory in this placement

  2. Completed your end of placement meeting with your CS?  

  3. Arranged to meet / or met with your ES for your end of P1 and start of P2 meeting

  4. Completed SLE's for your portfolio - recommendation is between 5 & 10

  5. Updated the first draft of your 3 Summary narratives (1 for each HLO)

  6. Logged all teaching attended

Start of Placement 2

Your 2nd placement starts on Wednesday 6th December 2023 - Have you:

  1. Arranged to meet your CS and discussed setting up a PSG

  2. Arranged to meet your ES for start of placement meeting

  3. You will need to start your TAB in this placement and all TABs must be started by end of January 2023

  4. Think about booking your end of placement meetings with your CS and ES for late March.  We are entering the busiest time of the year and supervisors availability may be limited.

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